NHS Contact Us Online 

AccuRx is an online consultation tool that helps GPs manage patient requests and queries through digital triage. AccuRx makes it easier for patients to talk to their doctor and help GPs to prioritise and deliver care through message, phone and video. Make a request here

All patient queries and requests are triaged by the doctors and prioritised based on clinical need.  We aim to respond to all requests received within five working days.  Once capacity has been met for the day, AccuRx will be closed until the following working day. If AccuRx is closed and you feel your problem is medically urgent and needs to be dealt with on the day, please telephone the surgery or call 111 out of hours.

All our registered patients are welcome, and as a parent or carer you can use AccuRx on behalf of a patient.

Click here to submit your request 


SystmOnline allows patients or someone acting on behalf of the patient to proactively manage their care. The online services available include the ability to view an online Electronic Medical Record (EMR) as well as booking appointments and managing medication.

Click here to book your appointment online 

We offer a choice of ways to book or cancel appointments at times to suit you. You can do any of the following :

The surgery is open from 8.00 am to 6.30pm Monday to Friday and until 8.00pm on a Monday evening. The emphasis for the late evening clinic is on offering appointments for people who have been at work during the day.

All consultations are by appointment only.

Please note that most appointments are for 10 minutes. If you have several problems you wish to discuss, or feel you need longer than this, please ask the receptionist to book you a longer appointment.

If you no longer require your appointment, please cancel it so that it can be offered to someone else either online or by telephone (01205 362763).

We aim to meet your needs when you book an appointment and, whilst we will try to offer you an appointment with your preferred GP, it may not always be possible due to doctors being on holiday or otherwise absent.

We have a mix of “on the day” urgent appointments and pre-bookable appointments which are usually available to book up to four weeks in advance.

Once all routine appointments are booked for the day, we open up a “sit and wait” session for people who need to be seen the same day at 12pm. You may be seen by any of the doctors in these sessions as we all help out on finishing our routine surgeries to prevent patients having to wait too long to be seen.

Please do not book routine health checks with a doctor. For checks of this nature, please make an appointment with a nurse.

We will visit patients at home if they are too ill to get to the surgery. The doctors leave the surgery to do their rounds soon after finishing morning surgery so, whenever possible please make your requests for a visit before 10:00 am.

It is helpful if you are able to give brief details of the patient’s symptoms and a contact number.Please note the doctor may call and be able to manage the patients condition over the phone.

Please be aware that if you call to request a visit during the afternoon, the doctor may not get to you until the evening and it may not be possible for you to collect any prescription until the following day.